Medical Massage

Medical Massage therapy is the application of advanced, appropriate
massage therapy technique, with the goals of restoring structural balance and pain relief. Knowledgeable assessment and treatment is the key to soft tissue pain resolution. Medical massage therapy often encompasses a variety of massage methods, including..
Myofascial release - to mobilize facia and entrapped nerves
Deep tissue massage to release tension in muscles with restricted blood flow and reduced oxygenation
Trigger point masage - to eliminate areas of increased electro-chemical activity that may be referring pain to other muscles
Cross fiber friction - to release adhesions within muscles and between muscle groups
post isometric relaxation the most effective method of strengthening muscles to regain normal function and resting length
Neuro Muscular Therapy - to identify areas of postural distortion and compensation
Our clients often achieve partial of full relief from pain and restriction after just one session.