Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release is a hands on soft tissue release technique which often includes structural and functional assesment to determine which tissues may be causing dysfunction and pain. Fascia is the thin layer of connective tissue between the skin and the muscles (superficial fascia) or more extensive is the deep fascia which holds the muscles together but also separates them into functional groups. Deep fascia, when functioning properly, allows muscles to move independently of each other without impingement on surrounding nerves and blood vessels.
The objective of myofascial release is to identify shortened and or restricted myofascial tissue (deep myofascia is usually the culprit) and adhesions between muscles and muscle groups. Using steady directionally focused pressure, fascial restrictions and adhesions are normalized, resulting in elimination of pain, increased range of motion and rebalancing of the body's interdependant web of myofascia.