Trigger Point Therapy

Myofacial trigger points are palpable, irritable muscle lesions usually within tight muscle bands that refer pain to other areas when pressure is applied. Trigger points are caused by stress, be it habitual postural stress, or the stress of physical or emotional trauma.
Treatment of trigger points consists of identifying the trigger points through palpation, followed by manual compression to remove excess metabolic waste and cross fiber friction to unstick adjacent muscle fibers followed by Post-Isometric Relaxation (P.I.R.) stretching to normalize shortended muscle fiber length.
What Activates a Trigger Point?
Each muscle has potential trigger points which can become activated by muscle overuse, inflammation, trauma, electrolyte imbalances, infections and nerve pain.
These trigger points can cause pain over the muscle affected or refer pain and thus be felt in another area of the body. Other trigger points are only felt when the muscle is directly palpated by the therapist.
How Can Trigger Point Therapy Help You?
Trigger Point Therapy is for almost everyone. Muscles with active trigger points are always weaker than normal muscles and unable to move through their full range of motion. Often because they are unable to perform their normal function, other muscles are recruited to perform the activity of the compromised muscle. These secondary muscles can go on to develop trigger points themselves if the original muscle is not treated.